Thursday, April 28, 2011

Envoie-nous des fous

O Dieu, envoie-nous des fous, qui s’engagent à fond, qui aiment autrement qu’en paroles, qui se donnent pour de vrai et jusqu’au bout.

Il nous faut des fous, des déraisonnables, des passionnés, capables de sauter dans l’insécurité : l’inconnu toujours plus béant de la pauvreté.

Il nous faut des fous du présent, épris de vie simple, amants de la paix, purs de compromission, décidés à ne jamais trahir, méprisant leur propre vie, capables d’accepter n’importe quelle tâche, de partir n’importe où : à la fois libres et obéissants, spontanés et tenaces, doux et forts.

O Dieu, envoie-nous des fous.

Par Louis-Joseph Lebret (1897-1966)

Soins infirmiers - MSP

By Jean-Clément, fc

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Birthday celeb at MSP

Congratulations to Br Jean-Clement who celebrated his birthday this Sunday (10th April) at MSP. Despite the crisis, the Brothers with some friends prepared a surprise party in honor of Br Jean-Clement who remembered the gift of life that God has granted him 30 years ago. This was a time to be together and to have fun. It was a period to forget a bit that we are in crisis, though it was a simple celebration.

Another surprise was that there was no cake to cut. I guess there was no way to have one. This has been put in the future when the situation will be better again. The cake will be available to be cut.

Bonne anniversaire Fr Jean-Clement. Happy Birthday to you.

For more photos on the event click here

Updates from MSP...

Greetings from all the staff and personnel at MSP. We apologize for not keeping you updated during the last month about the activities and the updates from the hospital. As you have been informed in our last post, during this last month we have been trying to keep the hospital running in order to provide care to our patients in need. We thank God that this mission has been accomplished so far. Thanks to our committed staff and personnel who continued and still continue to be available despite the challenges of transportation and security, we managed to keep the hospital working.

Currently the effective of the hospital has been reduced; however, we still receive patients who come for follow-up of their appointments. Another challenge that we have been facing is the stock of medication which is getting low. We hope that with the situation which is getting better and better we will be able to renew this in the coming days.

We will keep you posted on how things go in the coming days, especially when the activities will regain the norm again. We thank you all for keeping us in your thoughts.

Jean-Clement, fc